Personal Services - We help you and your families and small businesses focus on protection and long-term wealth strategies leveraging the power of earned income in the early years. Financial decisions made in the early stages will have the greatest impact on your financial future. We strive to get your money to work harder for you. The services we offer assist you in all of your personal finance decisions. We will help you get organized, manage cash flow, set budgets, and develop goals that will move you toward financial success. Our Budget Questionnaire will help you organize your sources and uses of funds.
Financial Planning - Our process is driven by the goals you set before and after retirement. We will help you establish what the goals ought to be and about when they should occur. Then we will determine how to save toward the goals. This is very much a step-by-step process – not all goals will be accounted for in the first attempt. But by establishing a framework, we will have a tool in place that will drive your investment strategies for years to come. Our Asset & Data Questionnaire will help you pull together all your information in one place to start the planning process.

Investments - Once assets begin to build in your qualified and taxable accounts, we will help you establish a rational investment program that considers your risk tolerance and your financial goals. We will explain how asset allocation and diversification work and we will develop an Investment Policy Statement. Then, at your option, we will build for you a portfolio of investments that properly reflects your rules and risk appetite. Our Asset Allocation Questionnaire will help us determine your willingness to trade risk for return.
Insurance - An important part of a complete financial plan. It protects your heirs in the event of your death, and it can protect you in the event of a disability. It may also contribute to your financial well-being in retirement. We can help you determine what type of coverage is best for you. We can provide access to insurance products, including term life, whole life, universal life, survivorship, single premium, long-term care and long-term disability insurance. As you build a relationship and share financial information with us we are in a unique position to provide guidance and determine which insurance products are best for you. A click on the above photo will take you to a simple calculator, which can get you started on answering your life insurance questions.
College Funding - We will work with you determine if your current savings strategy will cover your child's college expenses. Do you dream of your child or grandchild going to college? Higher education comes with a high price tag, but it is an expense you can meet through proper financial planning. We can help you calculate college costs, evaluate funding options and create an education strategy tailored to your goals. A click on the photo will take you to a simple calculator, which can get you started on answering your college funding questions.
Estate Planning - We will work with your estate counsel to design and implement programs to ensure that your wealth is passed along to family or others, without being negatively impacted by estate or inheritance taxes. This service enables you to plan your personal estate to help ensure maximum distribution and conservation to future generations.

Our Fees – and a Word about Commissions
IRS was founded on the premise that avoiding the payment of excessive fees can add significantly to the accumulated wealth in a well-managed program. Many of these fees – asset management fees, wrap fees, fund loads - are obvious and well-disclosed. Other fees – custodial fees, administrative charges, 12(b)1 fees, and others – are less obvious and buried in management agreement fine print. Our fees are very straightforward:
- $2,000 for a financial plan
- Assets Under Management (AUM)
Under $2,000,000: 1.0% of AUM;
Over $2,000,000: Negotiable
- Rate for special projects/consultations: $250/hour
Commissions are earned only on insurance products. It is our philosophy that an understanding of insurance requires significant education and that once you have that understanding, you will be most comfortable purchasing insurance from your trusted advisor. Our underlying philosophy holds that proper levels of insurance are key to a successful financial program. Of course, you will always be free to purchase insurance from whomever you choose.